Want to know how to add the sponsored link attribute to your affiliate links in WordPress?Sometimes you might want to tell Google that a particular link is sponsored and you're getting paid or you don't want to vote for that link. This is especially important if you partner with different brands and have lots of affiliate links on your website.In this article, we are going to show you how to easily add the sponsored link attribute to your affiliate links. We will also see what the rel attribute is and when you should use it.Here is a brief overview of the main topics of this article, so feel free to click on these quick links to jump directly to the different sections:
What is the rel attribute in a link tag?When to use the rel attribute?When can you use the sponsored link attribute?Add the sponsored attribute to C级执行名单 your affiliate links Let's start by explaining what the rel attribute is in a link tag and what it looks like.What is the rel attribute in a link tag?If you post sponsored or affiliate links, chances are you are already familiar with the rel="nofollow" link tag. This tag is a common way to indicate to Google that you are paid to add a link to your blog or website or that you do not want to vote for this link.
Last year Google improved this even further and introduced 2 new link attributes which we will cover in a moment. But first, let's look at the different parts of the rel attribute so you can get an idea of how it works.To begin with, the <a> tag defines a link, and you can customize this <a> tag with different styles or attributes. One of them is the rel attribute .Rel stands for relationship, and when you add the rel tag to your links, you are telling Google that there is a relationship between your site and the page you are linking to.However, you cannot just type rel. You also need to assign a value to your rel attribute like in this example: <a rel="sponsored" href="https://www.example.com/">sponsored link</a> With this attribute, you tell Google that your link is a sponsored link and that you could be paid from it.This brings us to the next question, when should you use rel attributes in your links?Let's answer that next.