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Apr 19, 2022
In Get Started with Your Forum
It's been an exciting week with major announcements from the Google I/O 2019 event scene. Probably the most impactful announcement is that Google has now committed to regularly updating its Googlebot crawling service to begin with. to Norway Phone Number List use the most recent stable version of its headless Chromium renderer. This is a significant leap forward with over 1000 features now supported over the previous version. Almost all new supported features are modern JavaScript syntax officially called ECMAScript (ES6). If you're a JavaScript developer, you really want to use the latest version of the language to access the syntactic sugar that continually shows up as the language matures. It's true that if you're a vanilla JavaScript user, or prefer one of the modern responsive frameworks, there are many great new features coming from developers who recommend better patterns for commonly written blocks of code. A basic example is adding a value to Norway Phone Number List an array, a very common thing to do using push Responsiveness in a nutshell In the example above, an array of names is defined and assigned 3 values: Amy, Bruce, and Chris. Then David is added to the list using the push(). With modern reactive frameworks, mutating values ​​can trigger 'diff' evaluations of a page DOM against a newer 'virtual DOM' by the framework, And because the array values ​​differ, the page values ​​can be updated by JavaScript without reloading the browser window. Responsiveness in web applications is where JavaScript has really added to our capabilities, and where our capabilities continue to Norway Phone Number List advance as modern JavaScript further evolves on the server and in the browser. It becomes difficult to keep track of JavaScript written for the server versus JavaScript that is shipped to the browser. For example, with ES6 you can do the following, including the ability to use 'let' (and 'const') in set statements: <script> leave the namesBackwards compatibility The name array mutation above uses a new


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